mercredi 12 février 2014

Quality Protein Labeling Is Almost Priceless

By Eula Nichols

Biological research often requires a method of proper protein labeling. Attaching a marker or label to a protein in the form of a binding or linking molecule aids with the detection of the specific structures of the protein. A wide variety of label types are available and strategies must be carefully considered for each application. This is still the most popular way of marking molecules without contaminating the structure.

These labels were like breadcrumbs, the scientists could now determine where they had been and how adding or taking away molecules would affect the surrounding structures. Through these labels they could also insert new molecules to a protein and determine if it had any effect on the structure. A main focus point on these studies is cancer.

If scientists could determine the interactions between cancer and healthy cells they could find a way to destroy the cancer without damaging the healthy cells around it. This would be a major victory in the war against cancer. Continuous study will eventually eradicate cancer form the human race. Without the tagging of links between molecules it would take a very long time to accomplish this.

Other types of binders are in the form of fluorophores. These help illuminate the molecule structure and can assist in determining were other molecules can be added to form new molecules. Various fluorescent chemicals can be added to the molecules. Some of these when exposed to light can cause them to vibrate. This allows the scientist to test the strength or the bonds of a new substance.

Structures of the protein light up from these fluorescence. This gives a detailed map of the structure of the protein and scientists can determine were and if a damaged link between them exist. Mapping of these structures can help with other diseases as well. DNA strands tend to break down over time and can leave some people with disabling issues.

The advantage of using this system of marking is that it allows for a broader spectrum of light to be used. From the unseen UV to the more dangerous X-rays, the entire reaction can be checked, even beyond what can physically being seen. Mapping these proteins can aid the scientists in the research for cures such as cancer and AIDS.

Lasers, lights and vapors are some of the techniques used to view these labels. This can be applied to almost any chemical compound. These tagging methods can be implemented in the DNA structures of almost any living creature. Most cloning experiments use some form of labeling to attach a new protein to the DNA strands.

Applications for all these new and modern technologies all lead up to a better life on earth. No matter what the need is protein labeling is an important part of discovering how and why proteins reach with one another. A complete map of the building blocks of life is yet to be discovered and this is the first step in this quest of discovery.

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